Product Backlog: The Bocasay Guide

IT News

The Product Backlog is an essential element of the agile methodology, particularly within the Scrum framework. It consists of an ordered list of all the envisioned features, requirements, improvements and bug fixes for a product. The Product Backlog is managed by the Product Owner and evolves throughout the project.

Create your product backlog with Bocasay ©GettyImagesSignature

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Agile Sprint Planning: How Does It Work?

IT News

Agile sprint planning is a collaborative process that brings together the development team and stakeholders to define the goals and work to be accomplished during a given sprint, typically lasting two to four weeks. This process involves breaking down the product backlog into smaller, more manageable items called sprint backlog items, which can be completed within the sprint.


What is an agile sprint? ©GettyImages

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Why you should use workplace wellness software?

IT News

Workplace well-being has become a major concern for companies that are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of providing a healthy and fulfilling environment for their employees. In this constantly evolving digital era, technology plays an increasingly crucial role in promoting workplace well-being.

Discover workplace well-being software with Bocasay, an expert in offshore outsourcing. ©Canva

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Three Steps to Improve Sprint Reviews

IT News

Essential components of the Scrum framework, sprint reviews provide an opportunity for your development team to showcase their work to stakeholders and gather valuable feedback.

In this article, Bocasay, our offshore IT agency, begins with some Scrum basics and continues with three key steps you can take to improve your sprint reviews.


Elevate your Sprint Reviews to new heights of effectiveness and project success with our three-step framework

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Scrum Sprints: everything you need to know

IT News

Scrum sprints are the core units of work in the Scrum framework. They enable teams to effectively manage their work, deliver value iteratively and adapt to changing project requirements. The time-boxed nature of sprints promotes discipline, focus and regular feedback, empowering teams to continuously learn, improve and deliver high-quality products.


Demystifying Scrum Sprints: Your Complete Handbook for Success

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The Branch Creation Strategy Explained

IT News

Discover a process for easy collaboration between teams of software developers, regardless of your project’s size and complexity. Branch creation strategies offer many benefits that can help software development teams be more productive, collaborative and ultimately successful.


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How to Deliver a Great Software Release?

IT News

If not managed properly, software releases can be a development team’s worst nightmare. It can result in delivering software full of coding bugs and interdependencies that will ultimately require more time and resources from your company, as well as potentially impact your clients’ trust in your products and services.


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Agile Practices for Better Web Design

IT News

The quality of your web design is essential to ensure customer satisfaction and business success. Agile methods have become increasingly popular in web development because they offer a collaborative and flexible approach that allows you to deliver high quality products in a timely manner.

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