Collective Intelligence Applied to Web and Software Project Management

IT News

In an era where digital tools are used daily, collective intelligence, or collaborative intelligence, has become a critical issue in contemporary companies. The concept of "collective intelligence," as addressed by Pierre Lévy (researcher in information and communication sciences), relies on a group's ability to synergize individual intelligence and knowledge to achieve common goals.

Build a tech team in Vietnam and take advantage of collective intelligence applied to software projects

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The Essentials of Data Mapping for Businesses

IT News

By implementing a robust data mapping process, organizations can gain valuable insights into their data landscape, enhance data quality, ensure compliance and make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of their data ecosystem.

By adopting a comprehensive data mapping strategy, organizations can enhance data quality

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IT Outsourcing: Australia and Vietnam, a Winning Multicultural Collaboration!

IT News

In a world where "diversity is the true wealth of humanity", according to former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the modern technology industry is forged in diversity and innovation across borders. Australia and Vietnam embody this richness through an offshore IT partnership, fueled by their shared appreciation of multiculturalism.

Reinforce your team of Australian developers with Vietnamese developers

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What Impact will ChatGPT have on SEO?

IT News

On the eve of 2024, ChatGPT, OpenAI's revolutionary tool, is revolutionizing our content creation habits and redefining the contours of SEO. According to a study by Le Point in February 2023, ChatGPT was already being used by over a billion people worldwide. In 2023, 80% of jobs are silently but decisively impacted by ChatGPT, reveals a report by the moderator's blog.

How we use ChatGPT for your SEO work?

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