Develop your website and e-commerce with Drupal

For complex and tailor-made developments. 

What is Drupal?

This is the English pronunciation of the Dutch word "druppel" which means "drop". It's a CMS Open Source Content Management System.

This tool allows you to build complex sites from proven code bricks. The data is clearly separated from the presentation. The modules are dedicated to data processing.

Drupal is a content management system based on nodes, modules and a large community.

How does a CMS work?

A CMS is a computer program developed in order to allow a developer to set up the back-office to display the front office of an application. It is customizable by using different modules and modifying the code of the back office. Of course, the changes applied in the code must respect the philosophy and the constraints of the CMS.

A very flexible CMS

Drupal is a very modular CMS that can adapt to almost any application 

  • Information Site.
  • Showcase commercials.
  • Online Catalog.
  • Shop with secure payment.
  • Classified Ads.
  • Dating site.

Through a user interface, the management of the site content is easy. Administration does not require any special skills in web development. This allows our customers to be completely autonomous on the content update and on the administration of the Drupal site.

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Drupal 8: main strengths

The latest version of Drupal, version 8, is a complete digital platform. It uses the Symfony framework.

Its power revolves around 4 axes:

  • Easy to use the tool.
  • The core has been completed and improved. 
  • Performance server and client side have been optimized. 
  • The architecture has been completely redesigned.

Simplicity of use - optimized interface

Inline Editing

Inline Editing makes it possible to modify the content directly on the front side without having to go through the back office. For example, you can edit text directly from the user interface. This feature reduces the actions of the developer, who gains in efficiency and speed. Inline Editing can also be used from a mobile. In addition, the CMS back-end is fully responsive.

Mobile First

The front-end interface has been redesigned with Mobile First. All Drupal themes are obviously responsive, but it is now possible to preview content on different screen sizes (desktop, mobile, tablet).


The system communicates and interfaces with other CRM tools, marketing tools, or other Drupal applications. The API is natively integrated with the core without writing a line of code. The developer can thus very easily interface other applications with Drupal without wasting time and therefore dedicate a greater part of their intervention to higher added value or more complex functions.

Take a tour

The resumption of the back office administration by new users is very simple and fast. Instead of writing procedural manuals or providing training, the "Take a tour" feature is now used. This is a tutorial that works in the form of a popup that allows you to create a scenario of presentation and use of the back office for new administrators.

A core adapted to multilingualism

The core directly integrates multilingualism natively. Multilingualism is integrated on all Drupal features (blog, content, menu names etc.) All entities, blocks, menus, taxonomies, content type etc., can be translated directly into the desired language(s).



The Views module is the most used Drupal module. It is integrated in the core of the CMS. Very practical, it allows creating a block and dynamic page without technical skills. For example, you can create a page displaying the last 10 published articles. All back-end administration pages use this module and Views natively supports the JSON format.


BigPipe defines in advance the areas that the browser should display first. Instead of waiting for the whole page to be computed and brought back, static elements are displayed first, followed by dynamic elements. Facebook uses this type of optimization that saves a few seconds on the display of pages in the front end and improves user experience.

The community modules are in Drupal core; they allow the creation of complex fields (example: a type N ° phone, links). These fields are rendered HTML 5-ready. Developers can simply create custom blocks, and add fields on a taxonomy, etc.

Deploy from one environment to another

All that is related to the configuration is exportable within an archive.

The developer creates their configurations and exports them via YAML archives. These archives are then imported into the site. Configurations are synchronized with the site via a synchronization button and all changes are directly applied to the site and the database if necessary.

Setting up configurations are executed in a simplified way with flat files versioned with GIT.

Technical teams benefit from a smooth and fast deployment.

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