Sustainable development

We support the development of the local economies of the countries in which we operate.

Our commitments

For us, sustainable development is about creating high value jobs in Madagascar and Vietnam with the goal of being a part of the drive towards greater fairness and higher economic equality in the world. We want to be the driver of change in developing countries and show other local economic partners that change is possible. Our benefits package has been hailed as one of the most innovative and motivating for our employees. Become a fair IT offshore company with us.

Corporate Values ​

We are committed to respect :

  • To create job opportunities in IT. 
  • To pay fair  and competitive according to local market standards. 
  • Guarantee good working conditions. 
  • Compliance with legal requirements of labor law.
  • Active encouragement of the best environmental practices.
  • Transparency and credibility.
  • Provision of resources.
  • Investment in training.
  • Support and collaboration with universities and local business associations.
  • Participation and sponsorship of local technology events.

Looking to strive your next IT project? Let's meet up to find how we work.

Benefits of fair outsourcing for our customers

A reciprocal value creation with fair offshore.

• Take advantage of very competitive prices.
• Have a trustworthy partner that is stable and dynamic.
• Create your own dedicated team to complete, strengthen your technical teams.
• Access easy management of your team.
• Try and be exposed to new technologies at a very competitive price.
• Participate in high value job creation in emerging countries.

"Fair offshore is to contribute to the sustainable development of the countries where we are located. We use dialogue, respect and transparency . This positioning allows us to offer our customers the best conditions to outsource their IT projects" explains Julien Goumet, Associate Director at Bocasay.

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Cost Optimization in Offshore Development: Key Strategies for Maintaining Quality at no Extra Cost

How can you effectively manage the costs of offshore software development without compromising quality, using tried and tested strategies?

By Julien, on April 30, 2024

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